When you hire a professional voice talent, you work with someone who has had performance training and has recording studio expertise.

And when you hire a WoVO professional member to voice your job, you can rest assured that you will be working with someone who has been vetted, and has understood and put into practice the professional audio and business standards set forth by the World-Voices Organization®.

Professional voice talent bring the following benefits to your project:

Professional Performance

A professional delivery does not sound robotic or apathetic. A professional VO infuses human emotion into the script and can connect with your audience.

Acting experience ensures that the actor will deliver the tone and pacing that is required for the script that was created by the writers and creatives in your team.

Home Studio Knowledge

A professional voice talent understands how to run a professional home studio and meet the technical specifications of your audio files. Microphone placement, attention to plosives, sound treatment of the space, professional gear and audio editing software expertise are all elements that will ensure you receive a professional sounding audio file.

Business Etiquette

Professional voice talent apply ethical business practices, charge industry standard rates, and adhere to WoVO’s <Best Practices>.

Full-time professionals are reliable because they respond to you in a timely manner and are available for corrections down the road (as opposed to an amateur who may be a fly-by-night dilettante). A full-time professional voice talent can adapt their schedule to meet your deadlines; they don’t make you work around their day job like some amateurs would do.

A professional has business sense, understands that contracts and NDAs may need to be signed, and many work with an agent. They will make your brand sound good, and represent all the efforts that you have been putting into your brand or service. They will respect your brand and conduct themselves professionally on social media.

A Winning Combination

Save time, and in the long run, save money because you will not have to make them redo the work over and over. Professional voice talents know how to take direction, how to apply trends in the market, and how to process their audio files and synchronize to video as needed. You know the old saying: “You think hiring a professional is expensive? Wait till you hire an amateur.”

Hire a Pro VO Talent

WoVO’s Professional Member Directory: Voiceover.biz

We invite you to visit our Premium Professional WoVO Member Directory by clicking the button below, where you can browse profiles by genre and language, and contact the voice talent directly. You can discuss your project with the voice talent and negotiate the rate, without any intermediary party. We only ask that you respect a minimum market rate.

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